10 Quick Tips to Help Your Child Reset From Stress By Kelly Ann Maynes, PsyD: When our electronics act up, we can usually just unplug to reset them. If only our emotions were so simple. But during moments of stress, there are still some trusty methods for kids and teens – and parents – to calm themselves down. We could all use the practice! Connecticut Article
16 Comfort Items to Bring to Your Child’s Doctor Appointment There are a few tried-and-true ways to prepare your child for a doctor’s visit: Talk about it ahead of time. Pretend through play. Practice calming exercises like making a coping toolbox. Best of all? Bring a few comfort items! (Your child will love this step.) Put your child in Article
Beyond Crouzon Syndrome: Emma’s Story By Monique France, Emma’s mom and Clinical Care Coordinator, Craniofacial Team at Connecticut Children’s When our daughter Emma was born, I was fortunate to work as a nurse in the Division of Otolaryngology (ENT) at Connecticut Children’s. Almost immediately we noticed that her