Innovating with Purpose: Semantic Saturation By Jacquelyn M. Rose, MPH: This is the first in a series of blogs describing Connecticut Children’s Office for Community Child Health’s journey to cultivate and nurture a culture of social innovation. Over the course of the last fiscal year, a small, multi-disciplinary team from Connecticut Children’s Article
Fostering Nutrition, Health and Wellness for All Children By Nancy Trout, MD: I recently read an alarming statistic in a pediatric news article: over 90 percent of parents surveyed purchase at least one meal per week for their children in a fast food establishment. Admittedly, fast food is a low cost, convenient and readily available option, especially in Article
An Innovation Journey By: Allison Matthews-Wilson, LCSW Here at Connecticut Children’s Office for Community Child Health, and at Connecticut Children’s at large, there’s a lot of talk about innovation. Where to find it, how to foster it, and how to fund it. I’m proud to say, in the space I work, we Article
A Burning Platform for Child Health Services Reform By Paul Dworkin, MD: Several months ago, I had the opportunity to address a Hartford convening of the New England Pediatric Program Directors hosted by our own UCONN Department of Pediatrics. Dr. Ed Zalneraitis, our esteemed program director, requested that I set the stage for colleague Dr. Patricia Article
Supporting Healthy Development is a Big Bet For Children By Paul Dworkin, MD: As a frequent pursuer of grant support, I am encouraged and inspired by recent philanthropic trends, such as funders embracing a high impact, transactional model of giving; strategic philanthropy; and the leveraging of funding from multiple sources. An exciting example of the Article
I Wonder Why Not a “Child Health Services First” Agenda? By Paul Dworkin, MD: Article
The Call for System Leadership By Paul Dworkin, MD: Article
If You Love Children… By Jacquelyn Rose, MPH: It’s not enough to be an early care and education professional because you love working with children. If you love children, you must leverage your view, your voice, and your visibility to improve the systems and quality of services for young children and families. Article
Preventing Childhood Obesity from Birth By Nancy Trout, MD: Article
Leveraging Medicaid to Promote Children’s Health By Paul Dworkin, MD: As our country continues to grapple with how best to achieve meaningful healthcare reform, we have an auspicious opportunity to enhance opportunities for leveraging Medicaid to transform child health services to promote children’s optimal health, development, and well-being