Back to school: it can be the most wonderful time of the year! It’s perfectly common, however, to feel all the feelings from excitement and curiosity, to nervousness and uncertainty. In this toolkit, Connecticut Children’s pediatric experts share helpful, age-appropriate tips to navigate the start of the school year and set kids up for success. Get answers to questions about tackling tough conversation topics, powering through peer pressure, preventing sports injuries and a whole lot more.
P.S. Are you an educator, administrator or a school faculty member? Download and share this flyer with your connections.
Health and Safety 101

Ask a Pediatrician: Do Kids Need a Back-to-School Exam?
From the early pre-K years to senior year, school is about so much more than pens, books and friendships. Here's why kids should also have a clean bill of health before starting a new year of learning.

Bus, Bike and Road Safety
"Look both ways before you cross the street!" There's more to it than that. Here are ways to make sure kids heed these very important safety rules.

How to Buy the Right Backpack... And Wear it Correctly
Backpacks—customizable and colorful—are the ultimate in self-expression. But—when not worn properly, they can cause problems in kids’ muscles, joints and—well—back. Learn how to nip that in the bud.

3 Steps to a Safe School Year for Children with Asthma
Does your child have asthma? It's time to complete their asthma treatment plan. An updated treatment plan should outline how to handle asthma symptoms, whether your child should carry their inhaler, and if they need assistance using it.
Learning and Development

6 Ways to Raise Kids with a Growth Mindset
Those with a growth mindset focus on learning from their failures rather than worrying about being judged by them. For years, researchers have looked into the effects of a growth mindset. See what the evidence says.

How Does AI Affect the Way Teens Learn?
AI is shaping how teens think about technology and absorb information all around them. There are pros and cons to this—and some mental health considerations, too.

Ways to Support School-Aged Kids With Hearing Loss
What should parents and educators know about school-aged kids with hearing loss? Our pediatric ear, nose and throat experts weigh in.
Sports Performance

Sports Pre-Season Training: Answers to Popular Questions
Learn surprising facts about hydration, nutrition, stretching, running and weight training. Get answers to the questions, “Is distance running safe for kids?” and, “Is it ok for kids to focus on multiple sports at a time?”

Foolproof Nutrition Tips for Athletes
Athletes need to feel and perform their best, and they can't do so without proper nutrition. Here are tips from our pediatric nutrition experts.

Getting Back into the Game After a Break.... Safely.
The body is a machine that adapts. It doesn’t just turn on or off. You have to listen to it, and ease it back into activity gradually.
Mental Health

"I Don't Want to Go Back to School!" What to Do...
When is more than just the "back to school blues" and how can you help? The first, and most important step, is to acknowledge their feelings. Then, go from there. Pediatric psychologists share some tips.

6 Tips to Help Kids Deal With Peer Pressure
TikTok dares. Drug and alcohol abuse. Bullying. Peer pressure can lead to a lot of difficult and dangerous situations for kids and teens. Here's how adults can help navigate.

How to Talk to Teens About Dating Safely
Everyone, at every age, deserves healthy, positive relationships. For teens who are just starting out, it’s not always easy to know what that means. Turn to our pediatric psychology experts.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

How to Talk About Racial Inequality and Social Justice With Kids
Did you know you can start talking to children about racial inequality and social justice at any age? Get the conversation going with these tips and talking points by age group, from developmental pediatric experts.

7 Challenging, But Crucial, DEI Conversation Starters
In recent years, many diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI for simplicity) topics around social justice, racism and more have bubbled to the surface. How can we educate ourselves and our kids? Heed this expert advice.

How to Support LGBTQIA Loved Ones
How can we make our LGBTQIA loved ones feel comfortable during times of transition or heard during times of hardship? Listening and having an open discussion can be the first steps in helping them.
Interested in Community Child Health?
Our Advancing Kids Newsletter, through Connecticut Children's Office for Community Child Health, provides insight on advancing children's optimal healthy development.