Ϲ is a constant.
fn are functions representing the influence of each sector on the odds of success.
In my previous discussion, I focused on the right hand side of the equation, but what if we look at the left side of this equation? What are the outcomes for which we are looking to calculate the odds of success? And, who should lead the work to achieve those outcomes?
The Outcomes We Model
I work in a health system within the healthcare sector, so I am generally talking to people who care about health and well-being outcomes. Makes sense. However, what if I worked in a different sector? If, for example, I worked regularly with programs in the housing sector, wouldn’t we be thinking about housing outcomes, maybe topics like homelessness, eviction rates or housing conditions? Similarly, leaders in economic development might focus on outcomes such as job placement, unemployment rates and economic success. And on it goes in whatever sector you might consider.
What would one of these other sectors find if they developed their odds equation for the successes they care about? Well, they would find a set of factors, just like I’ve done previously.
>Read Part 1 and Part 2 of this series.
It’s a Matter of Perspective
It strikes me that each of these sectors is observing the same system. Yet, they all have a different perspective and often come to conclusions at odds with each other. This is where a metaphor might help.
A common metaphor used to explore our shortcomings of perspective is that of a number of people who are blind observing an elephant. The person near the trunk might think they are observing a long flexible tube, the person near a leg would feel a tree or a sturdy column and the person near the tail might think of a rope. It’s only when a sighted individual enters the picture that they all realize that they are observing the same thing, an elephant.
Despite its widespread (almost exclusive) use, I have never liked the elephant metaphor. It suggests that some perspectives are more “right” or privileged than others. This suggestion is as untrue for organizations seeking change as it is for people who are blind or sighted observing an elephant. Different perspectives add richness and dimension to our understanding of the world.
Embrace All Views
I was exposed to a far better metaphor several years ago while attending a leadership course. It went something like this: Imagine a hill or mountain with a number of park benches arranged across the top. People can sit down on any of these benches to experience the world. Once seated, each person would observe different things through their senses because each bench is in a different location, facing a different direction. Every bench offers a perspective on the world, yet no two perspectives are the same.
We are creatures of habit, and we tend to prefer to sit on just one or two of these metaphorical benches. It’s not that we can’t move from bench to bench, it’s that it is not in our nature to move around much. Incidentally, the leadership course encouraged us to try out different benches every once-in-a-while.
So too goes our Odds equation. Since I sit on a healthcare bench, I have a certain view of the world that undoubtedly would be different if I worked in a different sector. But, it’s the same world!
Figuring Out What Matters
If we were to take the time, regardless of which park bench we sit on, to discover what matters to our work, we would find the same set of factors as folks sitting on different benches. The factors that affect homelessness are the same factors that affect economic success. And, they are the same factors that drive health and well-being outcomes.
To write this out using the Odds equation: