Dr. Brad Jerson is a pediatric psychologist in the Division of Gastroenterology at Connecticut Children’s. He helps patients and families adjust to the psychosocial aspects of chronic and acute illness, while promoting positive health behaviors to optimize quality of life. With specialized training in problems that frequently co-occur with medical conditions such as stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, Dr. Jerson can work with you, your family, and your medical provider to discuss how evidence-based treatment options could be integrated into your medical plan.


Fordham Graduate School of Social Services


Yale Child Study Center

  • Certified Child Life Specialist (CCLS)

Associate Professor, Pediatrics, University of Connecticut School of Medicine

  • Jerson B., Lamparyk K., van Tilburg MAL. (2019) A review of psychological treatments for vomiting associated with paediatric functional gastrointestinal disorders. Current Opinion in Pediatrics
  • Wakefield, E. O., & Jerson, B. (2017). Social influences in the evaluation and treatment of biopsychosocial contributors to adolescent chronic pain. Topics in Pain Management, 32(9), 1-8.
  • Jerson, B., D’Urso, C., Arnon, R., Miloh, T., Iyer, K., Kerkar, N, Annunziato, R.A. (2013). Adolescents living with liver disease as peer mentors: A program to improve adherence. Pediatric Transplantation, 17(7), 612-620.
  • Annunziato, R.A., Jerson, B., Seidel, J., & Glenwick, D. (2012). The psychosocial challenges of solid organ transplant recipients during childhood. Pediatric Transplantation, 16(7), 803-811.
  • View Dr. Jerson’s ResearchGate profile

Dr. Jerson is on Twitter @DrBradJerson

Locations Where I See Patients

Exterior view of 10 Birdseye Drive in Farmington

Connecticut Children’s Specialty Care & Infusion Center – Farmington (10 Birdseye Rd)

10 Birdseye Road
Farmington, CT06032
United States

Exterior view of Connecticut Children's Medical Center in Hartford

Connecticut Children’s Medical Center – Hartford

282 Washington Street
Hartford, CT06106
United States