The Scoop on Poop: What is the Poop Group at Connecticut Children’s?
The goal of Poop Group is to get caregivers of kids together who all have similar issues with stool incontinence. It’s an opportunity for them to learn from one another and to learn from us.
In partnership with our gastroenterology clinicians, we can come up with ways to help these kids develop continence so they can go to sleepovers and go to pool parties more comfortably. They’re making friends. They’re not getting bullied.
Dr. Jerson and I used to do a lot of this individually, where we would see one caregiver at a time. Then we realized that so many caregivers just feel so embarrassed about this and so alone. We saw the opportunity to bring folks together and recognize that there are a lot of other caregivers in the same boat.
We typically have four to six families. We run it over the noon hour via video, so some caregivers join from work. Some caregivers are joining from home. It runs for a month.
What causes fecal incontinence in kids?
The classic story we hear from a lot of families is that they had a stubborn 2-1/2-year-old who was potty training and then decided they were not going to poop in the toilet because they just weren’t.
And they start to get backed up, as happens when you hold your stool for too long. Then they have a really big, hard, scary poop that might hurt when it comes out, and they decide that they are definitely never going to do that again because it hurt last time.
So we get into this cycle of ongoing constipation and fear avoidance. If you’re 6 or 7 or 8 and it’s been hurting every time you’ve had a bowel movement for four years, that’s a lot of learning that we have to walk backwards.
How common is fecal incontinence in kids?
It’s a lot more common than folks think it is, but a lot of caregivers feel pretty isolated and very alone. Especially in that early school range, five to nine, it can be as high as 10 percent. So if you think about a classroom of 30 kids, there’s probably three or four kids in there that are having similar stooling issues.