Supported by multidisciplinary collaborations and a sophisticated pediatric video urodynamics suite, Connecticut Children’s urologists provide medical and surgical management for patients with congenital differences of the urologic system, neurogenic bladder and posterior urethral valves, including bladder augmentation and bladder outlet procedures, such as slings and bladder neck reconstruction, bladder neck closure and catheterizable stoma creation including Mitrofanoff catheterizable channels or antegrade continence enema procedures. Benchmarked against national data, our surgical outcomes are among the best.

Conditions We Treat

  • Bladder exstrophy/epispadias complex
  • Failed exstrophy closure
  • Cloacal exstrophy
  • Cloacal differences
  • Severe hypospadias
  • Failed hypospadias

Connecticut Bladder Exstrophy Collaborative

In 2019, Connecticut Children’s launched a partnership with pediatric urologists at Yale Medical Center to offer collaborative surgical care for patients with bladder exstrophy and cloacal exstrophy in the state of Connecticut.

Resources for Patients and Families

External Resources

One of the most important aspects of caring for a child undergoing urologic reconstructive surgery is a strong support network. Many families have found it helpful to connect with others in a similar position. External websites do not always reflect the medical position of Connecticut Children’s but can be important resources for families.

Mark Lee, MD

Division Head, Orthopedics

Anne Dudley, MD

Director, Myelomeningocele Program | Co-Director, Posterior Urethral Valves Program (PUV)

Courtney Rowe, MD

Director, Reconstructive Urology Program | Co-Director, Connecticut Children’s Continence Program

Corey Baker, MD

Director, Center for Neurogastroenterology and Motility Disorders

Daniel Herz, MD

Division Head, Urology