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Welcome! Here we go… to Neurology

I am going to a doctor’s appointment today in Neurology at Connecticut Children’s. Time to go check in at the window.

We will wait in the waiting room. I can watch TV or play with some toys while I am waiting. I will only wait for a few minutes.

The Medical Assistant, or “MA” will call me in for my appointment. I will walk with the MA to the Vital Sign Station.

I will take off my shoes so that the MA can get my height and weight.

I will need to stand with my back against the wall to get my height and I will need to stand on a scale to get my weight.

When my height and weight are done, I will put my shoes on. My MA will be happy if I listen and follow directions.

Next, my MA will get my blood pressure by putting a cuff on my arm. It will get tight but it won’t hurt. I need to sit still while the cuff is on my arm. I will try to wait and keep my hands on my own body.

My MA will also put a tape measure around my head to see how big my head is. It may feel a little funny but it won’t hurt. The tape measure will only be there for a few seconds.

Now it is time to go to the exam room. My MA will show me where to go. Now we will wait for the doctor. I can read a book or play with the toys that are in the room.

The doctor will talk to my family first. The doctor may type some things into the computer.

Next, my doctor will ask me to do different things while I am standing up or sitting down. The things the doctor does will NOT hurt.

The doctor will look at my eyes with a light and look in my ears with a special tool. The doctor will also ask me to stick out my tongue. The doctor will also push on my arms to see how strong I am.

The doctor may ask me to walk in a straight line and walk on my toes or my heels. The doctor may also ask me to touch my nose while my eyes are closed. No peeking!
Everyone will be very happy if I listen and follow directions.

When the exam is done, the doctor will go to get a paper for my mom. The paper has the doctor’s special instructions on it. I will only need to wait in the exam room for a little bit longer.

It is time to go. We may need to stop at the desk to make another appointment on our way out. My visit to Neurology is all done. Going to Neurology is not so hard. I know just what to do.
By Kalyani Raghavan, MBBS, MD, DCH, FAAP and Jennifer Twachtman-Bassett, MS, CCC-SLP
This information was developed and published with a grant from Autism Speaks