Ankle Sprains: A Common Challenge for Basketball Players Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries in basketball athletes of all ages. And all too often, many players have to sit most of the season out depending on how severe the injury. This is a situation no athlete and their parents, understandably, want to face. >Related Article
Beyond Morquio Syndrome: The Art of Thriving With a Rare Disease Every Friday, 24-year-old Monique Hilson spends the better part of the day at Connecticut Children’s infusion center. There, she receives a medication to ease the effects of the rare disease she was born with. To pass the time, she makes and shares art. “Her artwork is incredible Article
4 Kid-Friendly Spring Recipes and Tips from a Pediatric Nutritionist By Haley Duscha, RDN, CDN, Connecticut Children’s It doesn't have to be an uphill battle to get children to try new things or step out of their comfort zone when it comes to food. Making food a positive experience can go a long way and making new recipes that are exciting and fun