What to Do With Kids This Winter: Outdoor Activities and Cold Weather Tips During COVID-19 By Stacy Chandna, MS, CIP: During the COVID-19 pandemic, families have been forced to find creative ways to keep kids active while still avoiding high-risk activities. With some youth sports canceled, the colder, winter months are pushing that creativity to new lengths. Stacy Chandna, co-director of Kohl’s Condition
Ovarian and Uterine Masses Condition
Ovarian Cysts Condition
Paraesophageal Hernia Condition
Pectus Excavatum Condition
Pilonidal Cysts and Abscesses Condition
Pulmonary Sequestration Condition
Pyloric Stenosis Condition
Slipping Rib Syndrome Condition
Spherocytosis Community Child Health Connecticut Children’s Office for Community Child Health is nationally recognized as a pioneer in building partnerships across all sectors known to impact child health, development and well-being, such as housing, transportation, food and nutrition, and family support services.
Spontaneous Pneumothorax Condition
Tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies Condition
Tracheomalacia Condition
Umbilical Hernia