Grow Kind: Cameron’s Story When Cameron Soto had a life-threatening injury three years ago, a highly specialized team saved his life. Surgical innovation transformed his future. And compassionate care got him through it all. But if you met Cameron today, you couldn’t know any of that. You’d just see a Article
Urgent Care Is Here! After-Hours Care From the Pediatric Experts You Trust Here’s a familiar scene: Your pediatrician’s office just closed for the day when you discover your child has a mysterious rash, twisted ankle, fever or another health surprise. This doesn’t quite call for a trip to the hospital, but your child needs care. What do you do? Now, you Article
Missing Travel? Need Ideas for Spring Break? Here’s How to Plan a Virtual Vacation With Kids By Robert D. Keder, MD: Your family is already stir-crazy this winter, and by spring break you’ll all be ready for a change of scenery. But typical travel is off the table due to COVID-19. How can you get your child excited for something different… without leaving home? Try a virtual vacation Article
Honoring BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month By Melissa Santos, PhD: July Is Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, also known as BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month. BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous and People of Color. This month brings awareness to the unique mental health needs these groups face. Connecticut Article
The New RSV Shot: 6 Must-Knows for Parents By John R. Schreiber, MD, MPH: By John R. Schreiber, MD, MPH, Medical Director of Infection Control, Connecticut Children’s Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has long been a worry for parents, especially during every cold and flu season. As healthcare experts say, RSV is a common virus that affects the lungs Article
Heart of a Champion: Jordyn’s Story Bethany Ty expected a problem when she was pregnant with her second daughter, Jordyn. Her older daughter had been born with a heart issue and is a patient of pediatric cardiologist Olga Toro-Salazar, MD . Care at Connecticut Children’s Heart Center begins before birth – so her Article
How to Support Your LGBTQIA Loved Ones Who May be Struggling By Tasha Hawksley: Connecticut Children’s DEI Team Social acceptance of the LGBTQIA community has progressed in recent years, but those old stereotypes and misconceptions can still greatly affect the mental health of members of this community. So how can we as their loved ones make them feel Article
Where to Find the Best Multicultural and Social Justice Books, Movies, Apps and More for Kids and Young Adults You can help your child embrace diversity, equity and inclusion at any age. One way is to choose books and other entertainment featuring characters with a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. Wondering where to find age-appropriate suggestions? Try these resources. Article
Become a Breast Milk Feeding Advocate in 5 Steps By Mary M. Lussier, BSN, IBCLC: Many of us have heard or seen the phrase, #normalizebreastfeeding, but what does it mean, exactly, to “normalize” something that’s seemingly so… normal? It starts with being an advocate for the breastfeeding community—regardless of your personal journey. Connecticut Children's Article
5 Ways to Introduce Your Child to the Digital World Every month, hundreds of new apps and digital games are released for kids — some beneficial, some harmless and some your child is definitely better off without. How do you choose? Connecticut Children’s Child Life Specialist Christine Tatem shares tips. Article
10 Steps to a Better Morning! Get Your Child Into a Back to School Routine Now After months of sleeping in, staying up late, and enjoying a lot less structure, it’s a big adjustment for kids and teens to head back to school. You can set them up for an easier transition with these tips for a great morning – right down to packing a backpack the night before. Article
20 Ways to Boost Your Child’s Mood During a COVID-19 Quarantine Everyone is feeling burnt out from pandemic restrictions, and kids are no exception. It’s hard to limit activities and stay away from friends! It’s even harder when it feels like you’re the only one. So if your child has to quarantine due to COVID-19, and is stuck home while Article
Answers to the Most Common Questions About Breastfeeding There are lots of myths and misconceptions about breastfeeding, so we sat down with Silvana Michael, a lactation nurse at Connecticut Children’s, to get answers to the most common questions. How long should moms breastfeed? When we hear this question from moms, we ask them: What Article
In the Best Hands: Miles’ Story In the third trimester of pregnancy, Hattie and Donnie Donner went to one last ultrasound to check on Hattie’s thyroid levels. Her levels were fine, but something else wasn’t. The ultrasound picked up on two bubbles in the baby’s small intestines. Their baby boy had a rare, life Article
What is Parechovirus and How Can I Keep My Family Safe? By Ian C. Michelow, MD, FCPaed: On Tuesday, July 19, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued a warning to medical professionals about parechovirus, a common virus that goes around in summer and fall and infects most children by the time they start kindergarten. Understandably, parents are concerned