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Welcome! Here we get my blood drawn!

I am going to the laboratory at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.

We will wait in the waiting room. I can color or play with some toys while I am waiting.

My name will be called. I will go with a special helper* and my family.

I will sit on the chair for my helper. If I want to, I can sit on my family’s lap. My helper will put on stretchy gloves. This keeps me safe.

My helper will put a band on my arm. It will be tight but that’s okay. It will only be on for a minute or two. I need to sit still while the band is on my arm. I will try to wait and keep my hands on my own body.

My helper will tap the inside of both of my arms to find the best one. The tapping won’t hurt.

My helper will tap the inside of both of my arms to find the best one. The tapping won’t hurt.

Next, my helper will clean a small area of my arm. It will feel cold and wet. This keeps me safe too.

Next, I may feel a small poke. This is okay. It is a safe poke. I need to sit still and keep my arm still until my helper is done. I only need to wait for a few seconds!

When we are finished, my helper will put a small bandage on my arm. I need to keep the bandage on for a few minutes.

It is time to go home. Everyone is happy and proud that I did a good job!
*In this picture story, the “helper” is a phlebotomist. Phlebotomists have special training in drawing blood. Most of the phlebotomists at Connecticut Children’s also have experience working with children.
Adapted with permission from the Getting My Blood Drawn booklet published by BeeVisual™ LLC. Text originally written by the Gray Center for Social Learning and Understanding. This resource was developed and published through a grant from Autism Speaks.