Connecticut Children’s new Westport Specialty Care Center already has a happy family.

John B. Jr. — “JJ” to his family — is a giggly, boisterous 16-month-old from Stratford. Every couple months, he’ll visit the Neurosurgery team at the new Westport center, which opened its doors Dec. 15. This high-tech space is designed to feel welcoming and supportive for families, from constellations on the ceilings to woodland and ocean murals on the walls.
Mom Julianna remembers the moment that led JJ here. It began in the parking lot of a different health system, after a very different experience.
JJ was born with craniosynostosis, a condition where the skull bones fuse together too early. It was severe enough that, when he was 3 months old, his pediatrician urged Julianna and dad John to look into surgery. But the consultation at the other health system was a disaster.
As she walked out of the surgeon’s office, Julianna was fighting back tears. She called John from the parking lot. “I’m not giving our 3-month-old son to someone who doesn’t even have time to answer my questions,” she said.