Nick Rodrigue is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the Division of Urology, specializing in non-surgical urologic patients. More specifically, he works with patients who have urinary urgency, urinary frequency, urinary hesitancy, dysfunctional voiding, bladder outlet obstruction, giggle incontinence, stress urinary incontinence, and urinary tract infections. Nick is also trained in conducting urodynamic studies which assess how the bladder fills and empties as well as the pressures within the bladder.


Northeastern University

  • Pediatric Nursing Certification Board

Locations Where I See Patients

Exterior view of Connecticut Children's Medical Center in Hartford

Connecticut Children’s Medical Center – Hartford

282 Washington Street
Hartford, CT06106
United States

Exterior view of 310 Western Boulevard in Glastonbury

Connecticut Children’s Specialty Care Center – Glastonbury

310 Western Boulevard
Glastonbury, CT06033
United States