By Ashley Starr Frechette and Susan DiVietro, PhD

Ashley Starr Frechette, the director of health professional outreach at Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Susan DiVietro, PhD, a research scientist with Connecticut Children’s Injury Prevention Center, share an important message about both child abuse and domestic violence.

If you or someone you know is in an unhealthy relationship, go to or call 888.774.2900.

  • All resources are free, confidential, voluntary and safe.
  • These services are available 24/7 in nearly 200 languages.
  • Visit to live chat or email.
  • Dial 888.774.2900 to talk or text.

Domestic violence and abuse can be hard to identify.

Abuse is not something you can necessarily see or “find out.” It can be physical, emotional, sexual, financial or legal. Each instance of domestic violence is unique.
Some children will show no signs of what’s going on at home.
The isolation and stress of the never-ending COVID-19 pandemic has increased the severity and complexity of domestic violence in our communities, and resulted in more calls to hotlines for help.

So the best way to support victims and their children is to share resources like Safe Connect.

  • Making the connection to a certified advocate is the first step to creating a personalized plan to increase safety for victims and their children.
  • At or 888.774.2900, anyone can ask questions, receive emotional support and get help with things like safety planning – or just connect with someone who will listen.

There is hope, and help, for children and other victims of abuse.

  • Having just one caring and supportive relationship with a parent or adult such as a teacher, coach, or healthcare provider can buffer children from toxic stress.
  • The Safe Connect team is a highly compassionate, bilingual, multicultural group of advocates. They are available all day, every day to answer questions – or simply listen.

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Please help spread the word about Safe Connect.

When it comes to domestic violence, partners often stay silent out of fear: fear of being hurt or killed, fear of asking for help, fear of losing their children, fear of judgment, and fear of the unknown.

Help us break the silence. Let your friends, families and neighbors know that free, confidential support is available at Safe Connect. As children head back to school, it is crucial for everyone to know about these resources and how to access them.

Go to to live chat or email, or call or text 888.774.2900.