Our Role in Pediatrics Supporting Parents
For our part in Pediatrics Supporting Parents, the Help Me Grow (HMG) National Center, with support from Connecticut Children’s Office for Community Child Health, is leading the work to integrate various existing developmental and social/emotional screening tools into a single technology platform that then enhances the provider/parent discussion and facilitates linkage to appropriate health care and community based resources. If successful, this integrated platform will greatly simplify the developmental screening process for physicians and other family-serving providers while also making it possible for them to focus on social and emotional well-being. In addition, the platform would make it easy for parents to understand developmental milestones and identify concerns they have before their appointments, which will enable them to have productive discussions with providers and get their concerns addressed through timely referrals and linkage to community-based programs.
After spending months developing the integrated platform, the HMG National Center solicited interest among affiliates in the HMG National Affiliate Network and selected a HMG affiliate, Help Me Grow San Francisco, to partner with in. Together, they are now pilot testing the platform at pediatric practices in that state.
Pediatrics Supporting Parents Going Forward
Once all five teams finish their work in developing their parts of the overall project, the foundations that are funding the work plan to select proof sites around the country to test all of the components together. At that point, they will be able to determine if the entire Pediatrics Supporting Parents initiative is feasible to bring to scale and incorporate in pediatric practices around the country. More importantly, they will be able to assess whether it is successful in addressing the social and emotional needs of young children more efficiently and effectively, while also enhancing school readiness and setting them up to thrive.
The speed with which these advancements occur foretells a time when services within the healthcare sector are seamlessly integrated with those based within the community – a critical milestone to the technological convergence I dreamed of just a few years ago. Buckle up, this is going to be one amazing ride.