Human Rights Watch warns of the potentially devastating impact of COVID-19 on children around the world due to widespread job loss, income loss, and economic insecurity among families leading to such issues as domestic violence, child abuse, disrupted education, food insufficiency, and decreased access to essential and life-saving healthcare services such as immunizations. The United Nations has warned that hundreds of thousands of children could die this year due to the global economic downturn sparked by the coronavirus pandemic and tens of millions more could fall into extreme poverty. While global in scope, this dire prediction includes major urban areas such as Hartford.
We must focus on meeting the acute, basic needs of families, especially those most struggling due to the economic consequences of the pandemic. A national survey of affiliates of our Help Me Grow National Center reveals the most pressing needs of families to be formula, food, diapers and wipes; childcare for essential workers; and mental health supports and services. We must rapidly mobilize to partner with foundations and donors to provide emergency support to families in need and pivot our programs and services to address families’ most pressing priorities.