By: Stacy Chadna, MS, CIP
Parenting is chock full of challenges already, but #pandemicparenting has created a whole new set to consider. Amidst what may feel like constant chaos as parents try to tackle home schooling, social distancing and quelling of kids’ fears – while likely also meeting the demands of job responsibilities – there is the tremendous need to encourage healthy eating and activity, perhaps now more than ever.
Any parent reading this may be thinking, “Sure, why not add more items to my endless list of responsibilities right now as I scramble to create some sense of structure in my child’s life?!”
To that, I say healthy eating and activity are incredibly powerful tools that we should use now to keep us connected, to keep us thriving, and to keep us calm when we need it most. And, filling our little ones’ (and our own) bellies with nutritious and delicious snacks and fueling healthy doses of activity is not as hard as one may think.