Benefits During COVID-19
In addition, there are excellent reasons to breastfeed during the COVID-19 pandemic. First, breast milk is readily available and free of charge. This is especially important during our current health emergency when many parents are finding it challenging to buy formula. While there is no evidence that breast milk protects infants from COVID-19, breastfed infants are less likely to get severe respiratory symptoms with other viral illnesses. To date, studies have not found that the coronavirus passes from mother to baby in breast milk.
Breastfeeding mothers who test negative for the virus during pregnancy do not need to take any special precautions, unless symptoms arise. In addition, the AAP recommends breastfeeding even if mothers test positive for COVID-19. In order to safely breastfeed during the pandemic, infected mothers who choose to directly breastfeed should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water or use hand sanitizer, as well as wear a mask while nursing. They should continue with these precautions for at least 10 days from either first showing symptoms or obtaining a positive test result. If mothers who are sick with COVID-19 would rather not be close to their babies to avoid exposure, pumping or hand expressing milk and allowing someone else to feed the baby is an excellent way to provide breast milk and maintain milk supply until the mother recovers.
Additional Resources
As part of a comprehensive approach to infant and toddler nutrition and obesity prevention, the Kohl’s Start Childhood Off Right (SCOR) program advocates for and gives information about breastfeeding to pediatric practices and community outreach workers in Hartford, as well as to expectant mothers and parents directly.
As National Breastfeeding Month continues, those of us concerned with maternal and infant health must speak out to support and promote breastfeeding as the healthiest infant feeding choice.